CBT Thought Record: Change Your Negative Thinking

In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the thought record or thought diary is the main tool we use to modify automatic negative thoughts. Watch the video below to learn how you can use the thought record to change the way you think to change the way you feel. You can download a couple of different versions of the thought record or diary from the links below the video.

CBT Thought Record: Modify Automatic Negative Thoughts

Thought records can be difficult to complete at first. The video below helps troubleshoot potential challenges and offers some tips to make the thought record more effective.

Thought Record Troubleshooting and Tips

Below you’ll find two formats for the thought record, one from Mind Over Mood by Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky, and the other adapted from the Centre for Clinical Interventions‘s thought diary with a full two-page version and a condensed single-page version, as well a sample completed thought record:

For more videos like these, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and check out my CBT playlist below.

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Guelph Therapist Greg Dorter

I’m a therapist in Guelph, Ontario specializing in evidence-based treatments such as CBT and mindfulness for anxiety, depression and stress. For more information about cognitive therapy/cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression in Guelph, or to make an appointment for counselling or therapy, please call me at 226-500-4086 or email greg@guelphtherapist.ca.
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