DBT Skills: Wise Mind, Emotional Mind and Reasonable Mind

Wise Mind is a core dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) mindfulness skill. In DBT, wise mind is one of three states of minds we can operate out of. Through wise mind we can access our inner wisdom and intuition, but in order to comprehend what we mean by wide mind, it’s helpful to first understand the other two states of mind, reasonable mind, and emotional mind, also known as simple emotion mind. Watch the video below to learn more:

DBT Skills: Wise Mind, Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind


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CBT and DBT Skills: Behavioral Activation, Opposite Action for Depression

Behavioral Activation is a CBT technique that uses opposite action, one of the emotion regulation dialectical behavior skills. to help us improve our mood by changing our behavior.

When we’re feeling depressed we tend to not want to do much of anything, which only leaves us feeling more depressed. With behavioral activation, we work on increasing our level of activity by engaging in activities that give us a sense of pleasure, achievement, and/or social connection. Behavioral activation is one of the most effective things we can do to help lift our mood and start to pull ourselves out of a period of feeling depressed.

CBT, Behavioral Activation and Depression

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Opposite Action and Emotion Regulation Skills in DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)

Opposite Action is one of the emotion regulation skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, in which we learn how changes in our behavior can change how we feel.

Our moods and emotions tend to dictate how we behave, but acting in these ways tends to intensify what we’re already feeling. With opposite action, we act opposite to the way our feelings and emotions are telling us to act, and by acting in this opposite way, we calm our emotions and can improve our mood and the way we’re feeling.

DBT: Opposite Action Emotion Regulation Skill

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DBT Skills: Emotion Regulation

emotionsEmotion regulation is a core dialectical behavior therapy (BDT) skill. In some earlier posts about emotion regulation we learned that the ways in which we often try to deal with emotions—such as trying to problem solve, control, or avoid them—tend to be counterproductive. We also looked at a number of more helpful ways we can deal with our emotions such as validation and acceptance. The video below puts this altogether and explains the DBT skill of emotion regulation. To learn more about emotion regulation, please check out my free DBT Skills Course.

DBT Skills: Emotion Regulation and Acceptance


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