Best Breathing Technique for Panic Attacks and Anxiety

When we’re having a panic attack, or starting to feel anxious, our breathing often speeds up. We may even start to hyperventilate, or feel like we can’t breathe and are going to suffocate. The key to calming our breathing when we’re feeling anxious or starting to panic isn’t to breathe deeper, which can actually make things worse, but to breathe slower. This breathing exercise is a great way to slow down our breathing, by breathing out for twice as long as we breathe in.

How to Breathe During a Panic Attack


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Automatic Negative Thoughts in CBT

Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) are the spontaneous negative thoughts we have in response to unpleasant experiences, events or triggers. Our automatic negative thoughts have a big impact on our moods and how we feel. To learn more about ANTs, please watch the video below.

Automatic Negative Thoughts and CBT

Please watch the related videos below, and for more videos like these, subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

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CBT Thought Record: Change Your Negative Thinking

In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the thought record or thought diary is the main tool we use to modify automatic negative thoughts. Watch the video below to learn how you can use the thought record to change the way you think to change the way you feel. You can download a couple of different versions of the thought record or diary from the links below the video.

CBT Thought Record: Modify Automatic Negative Thoughts

Thought records can be difficult to complete at first. The video below helps troubleshoot potential challenges and offers some tips to make the thought record more effective. Read More

Cognitive Distortions in CBT

Cognitive distortions are our exaggerated and/or negatively biased patterns of thinking that lead to us perceiving reality inaccurately. Cognitive distortions have a big effect on our moods, and contribute to depression, anxiety, stress, anger, and all sorts of other issues.

In the video below you’ll learn to identify a number of cognitive distortions such as: all or nothing thinking, overgeneralization, mental filters, discounting the positive, jumping to conclusions, mind reading, fortune telling, magnification and minimization, catastrophizing, emotional reasoning, labeling, and personalization. Then you’ll learn how to modify your cognitive distortions and make your thinking less negative.

Cognitive Distortions in CBT

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Depression Self Help: Treat and Manage Depression With CBT

Learn how to treat and manage depression with these self help strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT), two of the most effective treatments for depression. We’ll look at how changes in behavior via behavioral activation can help ease depression, how changing our thoughts and how we relate to our thought with cognitive restructuring and mindfulness can help us start feeling less depressed, and how we can manage our emotions when we’re struggling with depression.

Depression Self Help: 6 Tips to Treat and Manage Depression


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DBT Skills: Wise Mind, Emotional Mind and Reasonable Mind

Wise Mind is a core dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) mindfulness skill. In DBT, wise mind is one of three states of minds we can operate out of. Through wise mind we can access our inner wisdom and intuition, but in order to comprehend what we mean by wide mind, it’s helpful to first understand the other two states of mind, reasonable mind, and emotional mind, also known as simple emotion mind. Watch the video below to learn more:

DBT Skills: Wise Mind, Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind


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COVID-19 Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health

A lot of people are struggling with their mental health right now due to stress and anxiety related to the coronavirus.It’s also common to feel isolated and lonely, and trying to deal with everything that’s going on these days is leaving a lot of people feeling depressed

Here are a couple of videos that can help you deal with COVID-19 stress and anxiety, as well as feelings of depression related to the COVID-19 blues, and how to take better care of your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic.

6 Tips to Reduce COVID-19 Stress & Anxiety

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CBT and DBT Skills: Behavioral Activation, Opposite Action for Depression

Behavioral Activation is a CBT technique that uses opposite action, one of the emotion regulation dialectical behavior skills. to help us improve our mood by changing our behavior.

When we’re feeling depressed we tend to not want to do much of anything, which only leaves us feeling more depressed. With behavioral activation, we work on increasing our level of activity by engaging in activities that give us a sense of pleasure, achievement, and/or social connection. Behavioral activation is one of the most effective things we can do to help lift our mood and start to pull ourselves out of a period of feeling depressed.

CBT, Behavioral Activation and Depression

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Graded Exposure, Systematic Desensitization & Anxiety

When we’re feeling anxious about something, it’s natural to want to avoid it, but avoidance is one of the worse things we can do for anxiety, and the more we avoid something, the more anxious it tends to make us. The opposite of avoidance is exposure, and one of the keys to reducing anxiety is to exposure ourselves to the things that cause us anxiety, through a gradual and controlled process called Graded Exposure or Systematic Desensitization.

Watch the videos below to learn why avoidance increases our anxiety and how we can use graded exposure or systematic desensitization to lower our anxiety.

Reducing Anxiety and Avoidance with Exposure

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